Jumpstart Your Path to Looking & Feeling 10 Years Younger

I'm looking for five men in their 30s and 40s who are recovering from injury and want to expedite their recovery while replacing 5 pounds of fat with 5 pounds of muscle over the next six weeks.

Hey there,

Are you a man in your 30s or 40s ready to reclaim Your health?

You're not alone. You've found yourself injured, struggling to feel youthful, and your body just doesn't feel like it used to. Aches and pains, lack of flexibility, and that extra body fat that just won't come off are all too familiar. The methods that worked before no longer seem effective to stay in shape, and you can't keep up with the latest information: should you fast? Do more cardio? Lift weights? What about dieting - No carbs, low carbs, keto? 

Maybe you have a plan, but you just can't seem to find the time or the motivation to stick to it, and the results aren't coming as fast as you hoped.

Those aches and pains have turned into injuries. Maybe your cholesterol or BMI is high, your doctor or your family is concerned, and you've told yourself it's time for a change.

Now you find yourself here, wondering if this is for you. Does this sound like you?

You're a man in your 30's or 40's who is unhappy with your health. 
You want to look & feel like you did in your 20's again.
You're unsure what to do and are looking for guidance.
You struggle with time management, motivation, or self-doubt. 
You're ready to commit to making a change and looking for help with your fitness. 

If this sounds like you, you're in the right place, and a better life is just ahead.

The Younger Version of You Is Waiting 

The other side of good health and the better version of you has never sounded so good.

Look & Feel A Decade Younger

Awaken the renewed version of yourself. Experience a visible rewind of time, both in appearance and vitality, as you reclaim the radiance of your younger years.

Reclaim Your Youthful Energy, Injury-Free

Say goodbye to fatigue and embrace a lifestyle charged with countless energy. Revitalize your body and mind, reigniting the spark of youthful energy.

Get in the Best Health & Shape of Your Life

Achieve optimal health and peak physical condition. Conclude the program with a comprehensive fitness and nutrition roadmap, ensuring you reach the pinnacle of your well-being.

Increase Your Self-Confidence

Elevate your self-esteem and confidence. Witness the empowering effects of physical and mental transformation, fostering a deep sense of belief in your abilities and new levels of fitness.

Enjoy Stress-Free Living

Navigate life's challenges with ease, fostering a stress-free life that enhances both your mental and physical well-being.

Rediscover Your Passion For Life

Reignite your passion for life as you experience the joy of a revitalized body and mind, enabling you to pursue your interests with enthusiasm.

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Registration is now closed!

There are Only 4 Seats Remaining!
Reserve your spot before the next cohort begins.

6 Weeks of Wellness: Covering Everything You Need to Expedite Your Recovery, Reverse Aging, & Start Feeling Younger Again

Get your custom game plan to succeed in getting fit, healthier, and reversing aging

Week 1

The Mindset to Succeed & Reach Your Goals

Learn and establish the most important component to succeed - mindset - and gain access to your 6-week personal fitness program.

Week 2

Your Diet & Nutrition Roadmap to Results

Understand the truth behind diet and exercise to obtain results, and learn how to balance your fitness success with your schedule, work, and life.

Week 3

Forging Healthy Habits Forever: The Shift to Get & Stay Healthy

Begin to forge healthy habits through daily shifts that will help you get fit while building muscle and tone.

Week 4

The Real Way to Melt Fat & Stay Fit For Life

Melt off stubborn body fat and learn how to stay lean without crash-dieting. Implement a sustainable workout and nutrition plan for long-lasting results.

Week 5

Conquering Plateaus & How to Continue Making Progress

As you progress, we'll tackle how to conquer plateaus and continue your progress. We'll discuss proper sleep, stress management, and recovery for optimal health.

Week 6

Creating a Fat-Burning Machine Metabolism

To conclude, we'll discuss how to transform your body into a lean machine that doesn't revert back and how to continue to succeed beyond the 6 weeks.

About Your Coach

Chris Harrington

About Me
Hey there, I'm Chris, the founder and your personal trainer here at The Finest Fitness. I've been in your shoes - I was insecure, out of shape, and lacked self confidence. I tried everything to change, and nothing worked - crash diets, celebrity workout routines, supplements, you name it.
A Transformational Path
Since 2010, I've made a personal commitment to fitness and exploring various athletic disciplines. My passion lies in understanding the science and motivation behind progress. I take the knowledge I've gained from bodybuilding and athletics and apply it to everyday people in convenient ways to help them achieve real and sustainable results. Fitness has transformed my life, and I want it to transform yours, too.

Luis took control of his high cholesterol

"For the first time since moving to the US, my cholesterol is below 200. I'm pumped."

Luis Milani

Arjun lost over 20 pounds of body fat

While increasing his strength and cardiovascular endurance.

Ready to Make Everlasting Change? Join The Six-Week Transformation

Start reversing your aging with our six-week, done-for-you, personalized wellness plan that will have you begin looking and feeling 10 years younger. Enroll below and you'll get instant access to the pre-course materials along with details on the official program kickoff.

Six Week Transformation Program

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$2,399 $599

For a limited time only

Here are just a few of the valuable components you receive when you join the six-week transformation program:

Full done-for-you six-week custom wellness plan
Personalized workout routine made just for you
Personalized nutritional coaching & recommendations
The knowledge you need to succeed 
Lifetime access to the content within this program
Lifetime access to our free wellness community

BONUS: Plus These Benefits

Here are a few additional benefits of joining the transformation program:

Weekly email accountability check-ins
Live educational content delivered weekly
Fitness challenges with rewards and prizes 
Accountability calls to assess progress
Weekly live coaching calls / Q&A sessions 
Daily coaching & support via training app

Registration Closes In:

Registration is now closed!

Your Questions, Answered

What if I have a medical condition, injury, or disability?

It is always advised that you contact a medical professional before beginning a new wellness routine if you have any existing medical conditions. Upon medical clearance, you can be happy to know that I adapt to your situation, no matter what it is. I work around your schedule, lifestyle, and position to help you reach your goals no matter what conditions are presented! I will adjust a workout routine so that it suits you, and we can always adjust your nutrition plan if you have specific food allergies.

How long will it take to receive my personalized plan?

Please allow approximately 24 hours to prepare your action plan, workout routine, nutrition plan, and supplementation guide. You will receive week 1 materials once the program officially begins to complement your programming.

What happens when I become a member?

Once you sign up for the six week program, you will receive instant access to pre-course materials while I begin setting up your personalized plan over the next six weeks. You will receive week 1 materials when the program officially begins.

Will my plan be modified over time?

Yes! The six week program will discuss the necessary changes to incorporate as you begin making progress in order to avoid plateaus.

Do I need a gym membership?

Not at all! If you do not have a gym membership, I will make a plan based on what you have available to you. I adapt the plan to your goals, circumstances, and environment and will gladly make you a workout program that you can follow without needing to join a gym.

What happens after the six weeks?

After the six weeks, I offer longer-term coaching where we continue to work together to help you get fit and looking and feeling up to a decade younger. We will discuss longer term options during our week 4 accountability call.

I am looking for fitness coaching. Is this program right for me?

All new clients must go through the six week transformation program before they work with me. This program is designed to help you take massive action to create sustainable change, and it's designed to teach you the basics of what you need to know to be successful on your fitness journey. If you're interested in making an everlasting change to look and feel younger, this is the place to start.

What if I have further questions about the six week program?

No problem. Schedule a call with me below and I can help answer your questions and concerns.

Join the six-week transformation & create everlasting change in your life

Enrollment is open for two weeks and limited to five individuals
Join today and get on the road to looking and feeling 10 years younger

Copyright 2024 © CH Enterprises, LLC DBA The Finest Fitness. All Rights Reserved


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Schedule Your Transformation Session

Congratulations on taking the first step towards improving your health and reaching your fitness goals. By filling out the details below, I can get a better understanding of your goals and answer any of your questions about the six week program.

Just fill out the details below and I will reach out to schedule a call.
Become our next success story!



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We process your personal data as stated in our Privacy Policy. You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails.

WAIT! Got Questions?

Why not book a FREE 30-minute transformation session with me? We'll be able to discuss your goals, and I can answer any of your questions about the program.
