These are the list of supplements that are prescribed to our clients. You will receive personal supplementation recommendations along with your nutrition plan. Refer to this guide to understand the basics of each supplement that you may be advised to take. Your supplementation recommendations will be listed with the amount that you are being advised to take, as well as when to take it.
There is much debate as to whether a multi-vitamin is a staple to add to a sound nutrition plan. Multi-Vitamins contain a wide array of vitamins and minerals, typically in high dosages, to make sure your body is getting an adequate supply of the vitamins and minerals it needs.
There are several problems with multi vitamins. First, do you even need a multi vitamin? Chances are for the average person, their nutrition is not balanced and a multi vitamin could help. However, any extra vitamins and minerals provided to the body that are not necessasary will be excreted which can be taxing on your kidneys if you’re overdoing it. The second issue is choosing the right multi vitamin. There are hundreds of multi vitamins on the market and each can vary dramatically in ingredients and dosages.
Creatine is a naturally occuring molecule found in the skeletal muscle of humans that is used as an energy source. The two main energy pathways for skeletal muscle are ATP (Adenosyne Triphospate) and the CP pathway (Creatine Phosphate). Creatine has been a popular product in the supplement industry, often supplemented through a powder form, taken with liquid or mixed with water. The theory behind supplementing creatine is to increase the amount of available energy in the skeletal muscle to perform additional repetitions to further break down the muscle so it can recover stronger. Creatine itself will not contribute to growth, but it will allow you to train with a higher than normal intensity and get those last few repetitions to further break down the muscle.
Carnitine is a non-essential amino acid that naturally occurs in the body. It assists in the transporting of fat into mitochondria cells, in which the fat is burned away. Carnitine is commonly found in fat burners due to it’s assisting in the transportation of fat cells. It also helps to increase blood flow by increasing nitric oxide production. This can help to recover muscles faster by delivering nutrients to muscles after a workout. Carnitine can be taken as a pre-workout supplement to help aid in fat loss.
Glucosamine is a natural occurring chemical found in the body that is in the synovial fluid that surrounds joints in the human body. Glucosamine can be supplemented for joint health for very active individuals. It is involved in the creation of molecules that form cartilage.
Caffeine is a stimulant drug that effects the central nervous system and increases alertness. Some studies suggest caffeine supports lipolysis, the breakdown of fat in the human body. Caffeine may stimulate your metabolic rate to increase, allowing you to burn more calories. This rate can be diminished if you consume caffeine frequently, so caffeine should be supplemented and cycle accordingly. Studies show caffeine may aid in the usage of fatty acids over glycogen as an energy source during training.
Ribose is a sugar that is naturally formed in the body from glucose. it has the ability to boost muscle energy by acting as an essential component of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) which is a component of energy for skeletal muscle. Ribose also occurs in RNA (Ribonucleic acid) which is important for protein synthesis.
Amino Acids
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. They may be supplemented to improve athletic performance and muscle building. When cutting body fat, it may be useful to supplement amino acids to increase the rate of protein synthesis so you are able to maintain muscle mass while cutting body fat. This will help prevent muscle catabolism as a form of energy when in a caloric deficit for cutting.
Glutamine is the most common amino acid found in muscles. When training, glutamine levels are significantly reduced and may take up to a week to restore back to normal leve.s Gutamine plays a key role in protein synthesis and can be supplemented to aid in the building of muscle tissue.
Fiber is a form of carbohydrates that is not digested by the human body. Dietary fiber can be supplemented to help aid in digestion throughout the gastrointestinal tracts. Fiber should be used for digestive health.
Whey (Supplemental protein)
Protein is structured from amino acids and is the essential form of life. It can be supplemented if necessasary to aid in the building of muscle tissue.
The first rule of thumb I would list when it comes to supplementation is this: Don’t supplement for anything you can get in a well balanced nutrition plan. Supplements can be a safe alternative, although they can be very expensive and less important if you are already deriving enough nutrients from the foods you eat.
Supplements are there as an ADDITION to a well balanced nutrition plan. They SUPPLEMENT a nutritional plan. They are not a substitution.
Supplements to avoid:
‘Fat Burners’
‘Test boosters'[/text_block]